In this blog series on Kubernetes, we’ve already covered:
Minikube is great for having a Kubernetes cluster as local Docker development. And by using hostPath in the volume.
In this series’ final installment, I’ll explain how to provision storage to a Kubernetes application.
The final component we want to think about when we build applications for Kubernetes is storage. Remember, a container’s filesystem is transient, and any data kept there is at risk of being deleted along with your container if that container ever exits or is rescheduled. If we want to guarantee that data lives beyond the short lifecycle of a container, we must write it out to external storage.
Any container that generates or collects valuable data should be pushing that data out to stable external storage. In our web app example, the database tier should be pushing its on-disk contents out to external storage so they can survive a catastrophic failure of our database pods.
Similarly, any container that requires the provisioning of a lot of data should be getting that data from an external storage location. We can even leverage external storage to push stateful information out of our containers, making them stateless and therefore easier to schedule and route to.
The full Kubernetes storage model has a number of moving parts:
Managing all these components can be cumbersome during development, but as in our discussion of configuration, Kubernetes volumes provide a convenient abstraction by defining how and where to mount external storage into your containers. They form the start of what I like to think of as the “storage frontend” in Kubernetes—these are the components most closely integrated with your pods and which won’t change from environment to environment.
All those other components, from the CSI driver all the way through the PVC, which I like to think of as the “storage backend”, can be torn out and replaced as you move between environments without affecting your code, containers, or the controller definitions that deploy them.
Note that on a single-node cluster (like the one created for your by Docker Desktop on your development machine), you can create hostpath backed persistentVolumes which will provision persistent storage from your local disk without setting up any CSI plugins or special storage classes. This is an easy way to get started developing your application without getting bogged down in the diagram above—effectively deferring the decision and setup of CSI plugins and storageClasses until you’re ready to move off of your dev machine and into a larger cluster.
The simple hostpath PVs mentioned above are appropriate for early development and proof-of-principle work, but they will need to be replaced with more powerful storage solutions before you get to production. This will require you to look into the ‘backend’ components of Kubernetes’ storage solution, namely StorageClasses and CSI plugins:
In this series, I’ve walked you through the basic Kubernetes tooling you’ll need to containerize a wide variety of applications, and provided you with next-step pointers on where to look for more advanced information. Try working through the stages of containerizing workloads, networking them together, modularizing their config, and provisioning them with storage to get fluent with the ideas above.
Kubernetes provides powerful solutions for all four of these areas, and a well-built app will leverage all four of them. If you’d like more guidance and technical details on how to operationalize these ideas, you can explore the Docker Training team’s workshop offerings, and check back for new Training content landing regularly.
After mastering the basics of building a Kubernetes application, ask yourself, “How well does this application fit the values of portability, scalability and shareability we started with?”Containers themselves are engineered to easily move between clusters and users, but what about the entire application you just built? How can we move that around while still preserving its integrity and not invalidating any unit and integration testing you’ll perform on it?
Docker App sets out to solve that problem by packaging applications in an integrated bundle that can be moved around as easily as a single image. Stay tuned to this blog and Docker Training for more guidance on how to use this emerging format to share your Kubernetes applications seamlessly.
To learn more about Kubernetes storage and Kubernetes in general:
We will also be offering training on Kubernetes starting in early 2020. In the training, we’ll provide more specific examples and hands on exercises.To get notified when the training is available, sign up here:
For about two years, I’ve wanted to use Docker for local development. Hypothetically, it offers all the benefits of virtualized development environments like Vagrant (stable, re-creatable, isolated, etc.) but requires fewer resources.
Working at a consultancy, sometimes I need to switch back and forth between multiple projects in a day. Spinning a full VM up and down can take a while. Alternatively, running two or more virtual machines at once can eat up all of my computer’s resources.
While I’d been interested in Docker for a while, I hadn’t had the time and energy to really dive into it. Then I went to DockerCon this April, which finally gave me enough momentum to figure out how to integrate it into my development workflow.
I suspected—correctly—that Docker would fall prey to some of the same shortcomings as Vagrant. Specifically, I am thinking of the speed of shared volumes. Generally speaking, sharing files between MacOS and a virtual OS on a hypervisor breaks down when too many reads or writes are required in a short amount of time. This may be due to running asset pipelines like those of Rails or Ember that generate tons of temporary files.
Most sharing systems (VirtualBox, NFS) do not support ignoring subdirectories. That wouldn’t be so bad, except that many framework tools do not let you configure the location of dependencies and temp directories. I’m looking at you, Ember.
Generally, this problem leads you to one of the following solutions:
D link firmware update. Through the Newegg EggXpert Review Program, Newegg invites its best reviewers, known as EggXperts, to post opinions about new and pre-release products to help their fellow customers make informed buying decisions.
Each of the solutions mentioned above has drawbacks:
Of course, there’s one option for Docker that sidesteps this whole issue. You could develop in a windowed Linux environment (native or virtual) that functions as the Docker machine. File sharing between the Docker machine and containers is extremely fast. But if you want to stay in MacOS and use Docker, I have a few tips to make your life better.
Docker-sync is a very handy Ruby gem that makes it easy to use rsync or unison file sharing with Docker. Rsync and unison allow you to exclude subdirectories, so you can ignore ./tmp, ./node_modules, ./dist, and so on. This gem even takes file sharing a step farther, using Docker volumes in conjunction with rsync/unison for optimum performance.
For instance, in my Rails project’s Dockerfile, I ADD
just enough files to run bundle install
, then I mount in my source directory via docker-compose
. It’s important to remember that this wipes whatever you ADD
ed during the build. So, for example, if you add a gem to your Gemfile and bundle install
, you’ll eventually need to rebuild your base image.
Generally, you should just run docker-compose up --build
to make sure your image doesn’t get too out of date. Also, if you are using rsync, you’ll need to docker cp
the automatically updated Gemfile.lock back out of the container to the host.
Docker is working on some improvements to Docker for Mac that may significantly improve the speed of reads and writes–provided you are okay with eventual consistency. The improvements for reading speed are coming soon, but last I checked, the improvements for writing speed (the more common problem in my experience) are still a ways out.
Another disk IO problem you might run into using Docker for Mac is slow database speed. I noticed this when our Rails database migrations took around 10 times longer to run on Docker for Mac versus native.
After a bit of searching, I found this script on a GitHub issue. Running the script brought performance back to approximately the same as native. Hopefully, this issue will be fixed soon, and the script will be unnecessary.
Developing in Docker isn’t perfect, but the workflow is improving rapidly. So is the whole Docker ecosystem.
Multi-stage builds are going to streamline the process of creating development and production images. The Moby project will help developers pick and choose what parts of the tools they want to use.
I have faith that in a year or two, the file sharing/disk IO speed problems will be a distant memory. The container revolution is just getting started.
If you’re at all on the fence, I encourage you to try out Docker. For me, it wasn’t until I ported an existing project into Docker that I began to understand the big picture.
In this blog series on Kubernetes, we’ve already covered:
Minikube is great for having a Kubernetes cluster as local Docker development. And by using hostPath in the volume.
In this series’ final installment, I’ll explain how to provision storage to a Kubernetes application.
The final component we want to think about when we build applications for Kubernetes is storage. Remember, a container’s filesystem is transient, and any data kept there is at risk of being deleted along with your container if that container ever exits or is rescheduled. If we want to guarantee that data lives beyond the short lifecycle of a container, we must write it out to external storage.
Any container that generates or collects valuable data should be pushing that data out to stable external storage. In our web app example, the database tier should be pushing its on-disk contents out to external storage so they can survive a catastrophic failure of our database pods.
Similarly, any container that requires the provisioning of a lot of data should be getting that data from an external storage location. We can even leverage external storage to push stateful information out of our containers, making them stateless and therefore easier to schedule and route to.
The full Kubernetes storage model has a number of moving parts:
Managing all these components can be cumbersome during development, but as in our discussion of configuration, Kubernetes volumes provide a convenient abstraction by defining how and where to mount external storage into your containers. They form the start of what I like to think of as the “storage frontend” in Kubernetes—these are the components most closely integrated with your pods and which won’t change from environment to environment.
All those other components, from the CSI driver all the way through the PVC, which I like to think of as the “storage backend”, can be torn out and replaced as you move between environments without affecting your code, containers, or the controller definitions that deploy them.
Note that on a single-node cluster (like the one created for your by Docker Desktop on your development machine), you can create hostpath backed persistentVolumes which will provision persistent storage from your local disk without setting up any CSI plugins or special storage classes. This is an easy way to get started developing your application without getting bogged down in the diagram above—effectively deferring the decision and setup of CSI plugins and storageClasses until you’re ready to move off of your dev machine and into a larger cluster.
The simple hostpath PVs mentioned above are appropriate for early development and proof-of-principle work, but they will need to be replaced with more powerful storage solutions before you get to production. This will require you to look into the ‘backend’ components of Kubernetes’ storage solution, namely StorageClasses and CSI plugins:
In this series, I’ve walked you through the basic Kubernetes tooling you’ll need to containerize a wide variety of applications, and provided you with next-step pointers on where to look for more advanced information. Try working through the stages of containerizing workloads, networking them together, modularizing their config, and provisioning them with storage to get fluent with the ideas above.
Kubernetes provides powerful solutions for all four of these areas, and a well-built app will leverage all four of them. If you’d like more guidance and technical details on how to operationalize these ideas, you can explore the Docker Training team’s workshop offerings, and check back for new Training content landing regularly.
After mastering the basics of building a Kubernetes application, ask yourself, “How well does this application fit the values of portability, scalability and shareability we started with?”Containers themselves are engineered to easily move between clusters and users, but what about the entire application you just built? How can we move that around while still preserving its integrity and not invalidating any unit and integration testing you’ll perform on it?
Docker App sets out to solve that problem by packaging applications in an integrated bundle that can be moved around as easily as a single image. Stay tuned to this blog and Docker Training for more guidance on how to use this emerging format to share your Kubernetes applications seamlessly.
To learn more about Kubernetes storage and Kubernetes in general:
We will also be offering training on Kubernetes starting in early 2020. In the training, we’ll provide more specific examples and hands on exercises.To get notified when the training is available, sign up here:
For about two years, I’ve wanted to use Docker for local development. Hypothetically, it offers all the benefits of virtualized development environments like Vagrant (stable, re-creatable, isolated, etc.) but requires fewer resources.
Working at a consultancy, sometimes I need to switch back and forth between multiple projects in a day. Spinning a full VM up and down can take a while. Alternatively, running two or more virtual machines at once can eat up all of my computer’s resources.
While I’d been interested in Docker for a while, I hadn’t had the time and energy to really dive into it. Then I went to DockerCon this April, which finally gave me enough momentum to figure out how to integrate it into my development workflow.
I suspected—correctly—that Docker would fall prey to some of the same shortcomings as Vagrant. Specifically, I am thinking of the speed of shared volumes. Generally speaking, sharing files between MacOS and a virtual OS on a hypervisor breaks down when too many reads or writes are required in a short amount of time. This may be due to running asset pipelines like those of Rails or Ember that generate tons of temporary files.
Most sharing systems (VirtualBox, NFS) do not support ignoring subdirectories. That wouldn’t be so bad, except that many framework tools do not let you configure the location of dependencies and temp directories. I’m looking at you, Ember.
Generally, this problem leads you to one of the following solutions:
D link firmware update. Through the Newegg EggXpert Review Program, Newegg invites its best reviewers, known as EggXperts, to post opinions about new and pre-release products to help their fellow customers make informed buying decisions.
Each of the solutions mentioned above has drawbacks:
Of course, there’s one option for Docker that sidesteps this whole issue. You could develop in a windowed Linux environment (native or virtual) that functions as the Docker machine. File sharing between the Docker machine and containers is extremely fast. But if you want to stay in MacOS and use Docker, I have a few tips to make your life better.
Docker-sync is a very handy Ruby gem that makes it easy to use rsync or unison file sharing with Docker. Rsync and unison allow you to exclude subdirectories, so you can ignore ./tmp, ./node_modules, ./dist, and so on. This gem even takes file sharing a step farther, using Docker volumes in conjunction with rsync/unison for optimum performance.
For instance, in my Rails project’s Dockerfile, I ADD
just enough files to run bundle install
, then I mount in my source directory via docker-compose
. It’s important to remember that this wipes whatever you ADD
ed during the build. So, for example, if you add a gem to your Gemfile and bundle install
, you’ll eventually need to rebuild your base image.
Generally, you should just run docker-compose up --build
to make sure your image doesn’t get too out of date. Also, if you are using rsync, you’ll need to docker cp
the automatically updated Gemfile.lock back out of the container to the host.
Docker is working on some improvements to Docker for Mac that may significantly improve the speed of reads and writes–provided you are okay with eventual consistency. The improvements for reading speed are coming soon, but last I checked, the improvements for writing speed (the more common problem in my experience) are still a ways out.
Another disk IO problem you might run into using Docker for Mac is slow database speed. I noticed this when our Rails database migrations took around 10 times longer to run on Docker for Mac versus native.
After a bit of searching, I found this script on a GitHub issue. Running the script brought performance back to approximately the same as native. Hopefully, this issue will be fixed soon, and the script will be unnecessary.
Developing in Docker isn’t perfect, but the workflow is improving rapidly. So is the whole Docker ecosystem.
Multi-stage builds are going to streamline the process of creating development and production images. The Moby project will help developers pick and choose what parts of the tools they want to use.
I have faith that in a year or two, the file sharing/disk IO speed problems will be a distant memory. The container revolution is just getting started.
If you’re at all on the fence, I encourage you to try out Docker. For me, it wasn’t until I ported an existing project into Docker that I began to understand the big picture.
...">Docker For Mac Kubernetes Mount Local Volume(15.03.2020)In this blog series on Kubernetes, we’ve already covered:
Minikube is great for having a Kubernetes cluster as local Docker development. And by using hostPath in the volume.
In this series’ final installment, I’ll explain how to provision storage to a Kubernetes application.
The final component we want to think about when we build applications for Kubernetes is storage. Remember, a container’s filesystem is transient, and any data kept there is at risk of being deleted along with your container if that container ever exits or is rescheduled. If we want to guarantee that data lives beyond the short lifecycle of a container, we must write it out to external storage.
Any container that generates or collects valuable data should be pushing that data out to stable external storage. In our web app example, the database tier should be pushing its on-disk contents out to external storage so they can survive a catastrophic failure of our database pods.
Similarly, any container that requires the provisioning of a lot of data should be getting that data from an external storage location. We can even leverage external storage to push stateful information out of our containers, making them stateless and therefore easier to schedule and route to.
The full Kubernetes storage model has a number of moving parts:
Managing all these components can be cumbersome during development, but as in our discussion of configuration, Kubernetes volumes provide a convenient abstraction by defining how and where to mount external storage into your containers. They form the start of what I like to think of as the “storage frontend” in Kubernetes—these are the components most closely integrated with your pods and which won’t change from environment to environment.
All those other components, from the CSI driver all the way through the PVC, which I like to think of as the “storage backend”, can be torn out and replaced as you move between environments without affecting your code, containers, or the controller definitions that deploy them.
Note that on a single-node cluster (like the one created for your by Docker Desktop on your development machine), you can create hostpath backed persistentVolumes which will provision persistent storage from your local disk without setting up any CSI plugins or special storage classes. This is an easy way to get started developing your application without getting bogged down in the diagram above—effectively deferring the decision and setup of CSI plugins and storageClasses until you’re ready to move off of your dev machine and into a larger cluster.
The simple hostpath PVs mentioned above are appropriate for early development and proof-of-principle work, but they will need to be replaced with more powerful storage solutions before you get to production. This will require you to look into the ‘backend’ components of Kubernetes’ storage solution, namely StorageClasses and CSI plugins:
In this series, I’ve walked you through the basic Kubernetes tooling you’ll need to containerize a wide variety of applications, and provided you with next-step pointers on where to look for more advanced information. Try working through the stages of containerizing workloads, networking them together, modularizing their config, and provisioning them with storage to get fluent with the ideas above.
Kubernetes provides powerful solutions for all four of these areas, and a well-built app will leverage all four of them. If you’d like more guidance and technical details on how to operationalize these ideas, you can explore the Docker Training team’s workshop offerings, and check back for new Training content landing regularly.
After mastering the basics of building a Kubernetes application, ask yourself, “How well does this application fit the values of portability, scalability and shareability we started with?”Containers themselves are engineered to easily move between clusters and users, but what about the entire application you just built? How can we move that around while still preserving its integrity and not invalidating any unit and integration testing you’ll perform on it?
Docker App sets out to solve that problem by packaging applications in an integrated bundle that can be moved around as easily as a single image. Stay tuned to this blog and Docker Training for more guidance on how to use this emerging format to share your Kubernetes applications seamlessly.
To learn more about Kubernetes storage and Kubernetes in general:
We will also be offering training on Kubernetes starting in early 2020. In the training, we’ll provide more specific examples and hands on exercises.To get notified when the training is available, sign up here:
For about two years, I’ve wanted to use Docker for local development. Hypothetically, it offers all the benefits of virtualized development environments like Vagrant (stable, re-creatable, isolated, etc.) but requires fewer resources.
Working at a consultancy, sometimes I need to switch back and forth between multiple projects in a day. Spinning a full VM up and down can take a while. Alternatively, running two or more virtual machines at once can eat up all of my computer’s resources.
While I’d been interested in Docker for a while, I hadn’t had the time and energy to really dive into it. Then I went to DockerCon this April, which finally gave me enough momentum to figure out how to integrate it into my development workflow.
I suspected—correctly—that Docker would fall prey to some of the same shortcomings as Vagrant. Specifically, I am thinking of the speed of shared volumes. Generally speaking, sharing files between MacOS and a virtual OS on a hypervisor breaks down when too many reads or writes are required in a short amount of time. This may be due to running asset pipelines like those of Rails or Ember that generate tons of temporary files.
Most sharing systems (VirtualBox, NFS) do not support ignoring subdirectories. That wouldn’t be so bad, except that many framework tools do not let you configure the location of dependencies and temp directories. I’m looking at you, Ember.
Generally, this problem leads you to one of the following solutions:
D link firmware update. Through the Newegg EggXpert Review Program, Newegg invites its best reviewers, known as EggXperts, to post opinions about new and pre-release products to help their fellow customers make informed buying decisions.
Each of the solutions mentioned above has drawbacks:
Of course, there’s one option for Docker that sidesteps this whole issue. You could develop in a windowed Linux environment (native or virtual) that functions as the Docker machine. File sharing between the Docker machine and containers is extremely fast. But if you want to stay in MacOS and use Docker, I have a few tips to make your life better.
Docker-sync is a very handy Ruby gem that makes it easy to use rsync or unison file sharing with Docker. Rsync and unison allow you to exclude subdirectories, so you can ignore ./tmp, ./node_modules, ./dist, and so on. This gem even takes file sharing a step farther, using Docker volumes in conjunction with rsync/unison for optimum performance.
For instance, in my Rails project’s Dockerfile, I ADD
just enough files to run bundle install
, then I mount in my source directory via docker-compose
. It’s important to remember that this wipes whatever you ADD
ed during the build. So, for example, if you add a gem to your Gemfile and bundle install
, you’ll eventually need to rebuild your base image.
Generally, you should just run docker-compose up --build
to make sure your image doesn’t get too out of date. Also, if you are using rsync, you’ll need to docker cp
the automatically updated Gemfile.lock back out of the container to the host.
Docker is working on some improvements to Docker for Mac that may significantly improve the speed of reads and writes–provided you are okay with eventual consistency. The improvements for reading speed are coming soon, but last I checked, the improvements for writing speed (the more common problem in my experience) are still a ways out.
Another disk IO problem you might run into using Docker for Mac is slow database speed. I noticed this when our Rails database migrations took around 10 times longer to run on Docker for Mac versus native.
After a bit of searching, I found this script on a GitHub issue. Running the script brought performance back to approximately the same as native. Hopefully, this issue will be fixed soon, and the script will be unnecessary.
Developing in Docker isn’t perfect, but the workflow is improving rapidly. So is the whole Docker ecosystem.
Multi-stage builds are going to streamline the process of creating development and production images. The Moby project will help developers pick and choose what parts of the tools they want to use.
I have faith that in a year or two, the file sharing/disk IO speed problems will be a distant memory. The container revolution is just getting started.
If you’re at all on the fence, I encourage you to try out Docker. For me, it wasn’t until I ported an existing project into Docker that I began to understand the big picture.
...">Docker For Mac Kubernetes Mount Local Volume(15.03.2020)